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Take control.


“It’s always the small pieces that make the big picture”

So, do turn your mind and get ready to solve some interesting mind blowing visual puzzles to prove your technical skills. This event “TAKE CONTROL “scrutinize your intelligence towards higher level. This visual event comprises of three rounds. They are

  1. Round 1

  2. Round 2

  3. Round 3


There are some rules to be followed in this event.

  • The first round consists of 10 questions. Those teams who clear the first round will be eligible for next round.

  • The team should comprise of only two members.

  • The eligibility based on the percentage of each round.

  • The second round consists of 10 questions and this round named as technical connections and clues will be given in form of picture and team has to find the answer.

  • The final list will be prepared based on the percentage of second round.

  • Third round consists of 5 questions in which picture will be given in form of clue and respective team should google it the picture clue and find the answer.


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Sri Sairam Engineering college , Sai Leo Nagar ,

West Tambaram, Chennai-44. |

Tel: +91-9789890950 |+91-7373825922

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